Docuseek2 News

Issue #16 May 2019

New Bullfrog Films on Docuseek2
New Icarus Films on Docuseek2
New NFB films on Docuseek2

New Additions!

Since October 2018, over 200 new titles from Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films, and National Film Board of Canada have been added to the Docuseek2 Complete and Essential Collections.

New Bullfrog titles include Sundance Audience Award-Winner This Is Home, an intimate portrait of four Syrian refugee families resettling in Baltimore and the challenges of building a new life in exile while still dealing with the trauma of war. It provides a compelling glimpse into the lives of refugees, who — with grace, dignity, and humor — overcome culture shock, language barriers, homesickness, and bigotry to forge a new life. Power to Heal tells the story of the introduction of Medicare, which was used to mount a dramatic, coordinated effort to desegregate thousands of hospitals across US practically overnight. The film shows both the destructive legacy of racism in American health care and the potential for collective action to redress these wrongs. Don't Give Up Your Voice looks at the inspirational resistance of Argentinians to the government of Mauricio Macri, urgent viewing for all those in the Americas and around the world who are fighting to beat back the threat of far-right and neo-fascist ascendance.

From the makers of Sacred Cod, Lobster War is a tale about climate-change adaptation and the economic and political tension it creates. The Gulf of Maine, which has warmed faster than nearly any other body of water on the planet, has caused a surge in the lobster population and competition between US and Canadian lobstermen, foreshadowing potential conflicts exacerbated by climate change. The Sequel looks at the influential work of David Fleming, who, as a solution to a climate-changed future, reimagined a thriving civilization after the collapse of our current mainstream economies, inspiring the Transition Towns movement. Avi Lewis's Keepers of the Future provides a model of how to mitigate climate change and resist unsustainable, extractive development. The from-the-ground-up effort is led by an indigenous farmers' cooperative, an indication that those combining thousands-year-old knowledge and practices with modern agroecological techniques have lessons to teach the world, leading the way to a better future for all of us.

From Icarus Films, System Error examines the fundamentals of capitalism, questioning some of its central tenets, and the continuing impact of Karl Marx as an analyst of it. Is infinite growth possible when resources are finite? Time Thieves reveals how companies monetize our time without our knowledge and how the social networks have, in their own words, become ‘the new clockmakers’. It investigates how time has become money, how the clock has taken over both our working and personal lives, and how we can take back control over this precious, but finite resource. Bauhaus Spirit explores the Bauhaus movement and its significance as an artistic and social force. How do we want to live, where do we want to go? And, Minute Bodies is an immersive tribute to the astonishing work and achievements of naturalist, inventor and pioneering filmmaker F. Percy Smith, who developed the use of time-lapse, animation and micro-photographic techniques to capture nature's secrets in action. The entrancing film is a unique reminder of the power of film to capture life and move the viewer.

Films from pioneering essayist filmmaker Chris Marker define the collection updates, including Far From Vietnam, the Marker-initiated and edited epic 1967 collaboration between cinema greats Jean-Luc Godard, Joris Ivens, William Klein, Claude Lelouch and Alain Resnais, in protest of American military involvement in Vietnam; Remembrance of Things to Come, ostensibly a portrait of photographer Denise Bellon, focusing on the two decades between 1935 and 1955, but really a lens into a wide-ranging history of surrealism, of the city of Paris, of French cinema and the birth of the cinémathèque, of Europe, the National Front, the Second World War and Spanish Civil War, and postwar politics and culture; and for Complete Collection subscribers, the 13-part Owl's Legacy, Marker's mythical masterpiece (released for the first time in 30 years) about the influence of Greek culture in our society: thirteen Greek words, like 'democracy', deciphered by artists and intellectuals from different countries.

Also now available to Complete Collection subscribers is The National Film Board of Canada Animation Collection, 35 films by award-winning filmmakers in a diversity of styles covering a range of topics, such as anti-Semitism, fear and tolerance, immigration, shedding blood for one's ideals, bullying and conflict resolution, art and war, Big Oil, the environment, color, reflection, food, wine, music, dance and love.

New Website!

New Website!

What else is new on Docuseek2 this spring? How about a new user interface designed for optimal user experience on all your devices? Users have a choice of accessing Docuseek via the new UI or the Classic Theme. Check it out!

New Spring Specials!

New Spring Specials!

How about a discount too this spring? Docuseek2 is offering a 10% discount on any 15+ title order, both new and renewal orders. Docuseek2 has relationships with several consortia that offer standard discounts. Contact your consortium to see what it available to you this spring. What else? As part of our ongoing commitment to cost-transparency and sustainability, the special runs through the end of July, allowing you to leverage both fiscal year-end and year-start funds. And, as always, there are no billing surprises. No gimmicks. No estimates that turn into higher-than-expected costs. Our subscription models cap your exposure, so you know exactly how much you will spend up front.

Sustainability Collection!
Labor History Collection!

Thematic Collections!

16 new titles were added to the now 236-film Sustainability Collection, including Bluefin, winner of 20 film-festival awards, which brings into stark and stunning focus the sharply differing perspectives of those involved in the pursuit and protection of one of the greatest creatures in the sea; Backfired, which investigates the largest auto scam in the world, tracing Volkswagen's deliberate installation of defeat devices in diesel cars to circumvent California and US vehicle-emissions standards, with insight into the role of regulators, the power of money, and the willingness of major corporations to knowingly endanger the health of millions; John de Graaf's newest film Redefining Prosperity; and The Strange Disappearance of the Bees, which looks at dramatic colony collapses in beehives around the world.

With May Day in mind, see the 15-film Labor History Sampler. Films include An Injury to One, which provides a corrective and compelling glimpse of a particularly volatile moment in early 20th century American labor history: the rise and fall of Butte, Montana, and the mysterious death of Wobbly organizer Frank Little; The Enemy Within, about Britain's longest strike in 1984-85, when Margaret Thatcher declared war on the unions; 6 classics from Kartemquin Films, on-the-ground accounts of labor strikes in the Midwest from the '70s and early '80s; and films on labor and civil rights, immigration and women, including I Am Somebody (1969 hospital workers struggle in Charleston), Finally Got the News (Detroit's League of Revolutionary Black Workers), Clara Lemlich (garment-workers organizer), Love & Solidarity (non-violent organizing), and The Hand That Feeds (undocumented workers).


New Collection!

Docuseek2, in partnership with Face to Face Media, has launched the Global Environmental Justice Documentaries Collection, featuring under-reported stories about human rights and environmental protection from around the world, with a focus on Asia and a spotlight on North America. This standalone collection of environmental-justice-focused documentaries (currently 27 films plus extras, with films to be added at no additional cost) is available for subscription for one year for $395 or for three years for $995. These exceptional prices are available through December 2019!

Faculty from Whittier College, Yale, Brandeis, and NYU have curated, and prepared study guides for each of the films in the collection. Together these films promote understanding of the link between environmental issues and human rights; and they support the search for solutions to complex global problems. This project is made possible by support from journalists, filmmakers and distributors, the Henry Luce Foundation, Whittier College, and the Global Reporting Centre.


Academic Libraries Video Trust

Docuseek2 is proud to host and sponsor Academic Libraries Video Trust (ALVT), a project of the National Media Market and Conference (NMM). ALVT facilitates the preservation of audiovisual (“AV”) works in the collections of member libraries. The principal activity of ALVT is to provide a clearinghouse or repository of digital versions of selected AV works, generally works currently available only in the obsolete VHS format. The service is built on opportunities allowed to libraries and archives for the preservation and replacement of works in their collections, pursuant to Section 108 of the U.S. Copyright Act. NMM offers this service in order to encourage the preservation and appreciation of the educational films, motion pictures, documentaries, and other works that are increasingly out of reach because of the obsolete technology.

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Stream smarter. Let us help!

Docuseek2 streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental documentaries to colleges and universities, providing exclusive access to content from Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films (including The Fanlight Collection and dGenerate Films), the National Film Board of Canada, Kartemquin Films, MediaStorm, KimStim, Scorpion TV, Global Environmental Justice Documentaries and Terra Nova Films. Licenses are available for single titles or collections for periods ranging from one week to life-of-file. Interested in a trial for your campus? Contact Elena Wayne, Sales and Marketing Manager, at

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